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Keyword Research

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1: cut-price, inexpensive, low-budget, sixpenny, two-a-penny, low-cost, twopenny, threepenny, cheap, low-priced, cut-rate, twopenny-halfpenny, nickel-and-dime, bargain-priced, affordable, tuppeny, dirt cheap, catchpenny relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"
2: trashy, tasteless, gimcrack, tatty, meretricious, loud, garish, cheap, flash, tawdry, brassy, gaudy, tacky, flashy tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"
3: inferior, cheesy, sleazy, cheap, chintzy, crummy, punk, bum, tinny of very poor quality; flimsy
4: chintzy, stingy, cheap, chinchy, ungenerous embarrassingly stingy
